With you at every turn
With you at every turn
Prices and Fees
Prices and Fees
Fees can also be paid in car via Cash, Debit/Credit Card or Bank Transfer3
1 hour lesson £28
1 1/2 hour lesson £40
2 hour Lesson £53
5 lesson introductory offer1 £120
Practical Test fees £50
Extended Driving Practical Test £70
Lessons in own car2 £26
Motorway Refresher Lessons £50
Please call Lee on 07545631289 for further enquiries
Please call Lee on 07545631289 for further enquiries
1: The introductory offer is only available to new drivers with no experience.
It can only be purchased once per driver
2: Lessons in your own car are subject to Agnew Driving Schools Terms and Conditions, please check here for further details.
* All lesson fees are to be paid in advance of the lesson or at the start of each lesson.
3: Please Contact for Bank Transfer Details